Welcome to the Rimi Riga Marathon Hall of Fame!
4 February 2025To celebrate the 35th anniversary of the Rimi Riga Marathon, we are launching a special Hall of Fame to unite, highlight, and celebrate the most loyal and experienced participants who have crossed the finish line at least 10 times.
To determine the Hall of Fame criteria, in the autumn of 2024, we conducted a survey to find out how many runners had participated in and finished at least five Riga Marathons in any distance.
The survey received almost 500 responses, and based on the data, we decided to honor runners who have completed at least 10 Rimi Riga Marathons in the Hall of Fame.
Based on the first survey data, 131 runners have qualified for the Rimi Riga Marathon Hall of Fame, and we are very proud that four of them are from abroad—Estonia, Lithuania, Italy, and Ireland.
We are very proud and happy for every runner’s dedication. Bravo!

Your name in the Hall of Fame?
To make sure we haven’t missed any loyal runners, we are reopening the Hall of Fame survey! If you have crossed the finish line at least 10 times in the Rimi Riga Marathon and your name isn’t on the Hall of Fame list, please fill out the survey and mark all the Riga Marathons and distances where you have received a medal. (Kid’s Day distances are not included in the Hall of Fame.)
If you know someone who has run in Riga at least 10 times, please share this information with them. The survey will remain open until April 30th.
The Hall of Fame will honor the most dedicated runners by including their names in the Hall of Fame!
We are very grateful to everyone who filled out the survey in the autumn of 2024. Please keep running, and we will be happy to see you at the Rimi Riga Marathon on May 17–18!