Rimi Teams’ Cup

What it is:
The goal of the Rimi Team Cup is to promote a healthy lifestyle in the collective workplaces of Latvian companies, strengthening team spirit and employee loyalty. This year, we have committed to identifying the most active and sporty Latvian companies in the Rimi Team Cup.
The winners of the team cup will be determined by evaluating the teams with at least 15 registered participants based on individual results in the Rimi Riga Marathon on May 18-19.

How it works:
Teams with at least 15 participants automatically qualify for the Rimi Team Cup. Teams will be evaluated in three categories: small teams with 15-29 participants, medium teams with 30-49 participants, and large teams with 50+ participants. Participants can choose any distance to conquer, starting from the marathon, half marathon, 10 km, 5,8 km, to DPD Mile. In the 2023 Rimi Riga Marathon, 227 teams registered with at least 15 participants.

Awards and determination of winners:
The TOP 5 teams in each category will be awarded in the Rimi Team Cup. Winners will be determined based on the performance of their team participants in each age groups – automatically summing up the TOP 10 individual places in the small team category, the TOP 25 in the medium team category, and the TOP 45 in the large team category.
This evaluation system allows for an equal assessment of participants in all distances (from DPD Mile to 5,8 km, 10 km, half marathon, and marathon). Representatives from the TOP 5 teams in each company category will be invited to the Rimi Team Cup award ceremony two weeks after the Rimi Riga Marathon.
Top 10 Biggest Teams
Number of participants updated: March 12, 2025
Please note that the team name must be identical for each participant. Ensure that all spaces, uppercase and lowercase letters and other symbols are exact in each participant’s team name.
Each participant can participate in only one team, so enter only one team name in the team field.