11 November Embankment at the Olympic Kids’ Day will turn into the Olympic Village

3 May 2024

On May 18th, over 8 thousand children will come together to participate in the Rimi Riga Marathon’s Olympic Kids’ Day, supported by the Latvian Olympic Committee, in the 400 meters, 200 meters, 60 meters ‘Sprint King and Queen’ courses and ‘Happy Babies’ obstacle course.


11 November Embankment will turn into an Olympic Village offering a fantastic day of active entertainment for families and the chance to experience Olympic sports.

Learn what else the kids and families will be able to enjoy at the 11 November Embankment, or the so called “Olympic Village”, additionally to the running courses!

Try Olympic sports

In the Olympic Village, various sports will ‘live together’. All you have to do is explore!

In the Boxing and kickboxing tent, challenge yourself with a variety of exercises: jump rope exercises, boxing and kicking against the punching bag, sit-ups and enjoy boxing and kickboxing demonstrations by professionals as well. In the Football section, test the strength of your kick, but if you are fearless enough, challenge yourself with sport climbers by trying the climbing wall.

Every 4 years, the Olympic Games expand their list of disciplines with new sports, to keep up with the times and attract new athletes. Skateboarding was included in the Olympic Games for the first time in 2020 in Tokyo. To understand the challenge of this sport, at the Olympic Village you’ll have the opportunity to learn skateboarding skills from the very basics. Under the guidance of professional skateboarding trainers, learn how to maneuver the skateboard, and if you’re feeling bold enough, attempt more advanced tricks and jumps.

Did you know that the Latvian table tennis players have repeatedly achieved gold medals in Europe? Try it out and learn about the history of table tennis in the Olympic Games, test your skills and practice table tennis elements together with a robot. How will it happen? You have to come and see!

Latvia has won several Olympic medals in weightlifting. Improve your strength, power, and technique together with the Latvian strongmen at the weightlifting tent.

While disc golf may not be an Olympic sport, it enjoys immense popularity. Why not give it a try? Test your skills by throwing a disc at a target from various distances!

Write letters to Latvian Olympians

Since the restoration of Latvia’s independence in 1990, our athletes have won 31 Olympic medals, including five gold medals. Do you know in which sports Latvia has achieved the highest number of victories or titles? In which sport a Latvian has two Olympic gold medals?

Look for answers in the main Latvian Olympic Committee tent, where you can create your own Olympic torch and write letters to Latvian athletes headed for the Paris Olympic Games this summer. All letters will travel to Latvian Olympians at the Paris Olympic Games athletes village, which will surely be a delightful surprise for the athletes.

Free throw with Rimi

An unforgettable moment in Latvian sports history was the triumph of our 3×3 Basketball team at the Tokyo Olympic Games, where our athletes won the first ever gold medals in the Olympic history of this sport. Make sure not to miss the Rimi zone, where you’ll have the opportunity to try your hand at free throws both in the basketball hoops and even in a shopping cart!

Test the emergency services vehicles

Just as important as being active and healthy in sports, is understanding our country and its history. So, don’t head home until you’ve paid a visit to the cadets, the national guard, State Police, State Fire and Rescue Service, and Emergency Medical Services. Explore easy-to-follow everyday safety tips and learn how to handle unexpected situations.

Bubbles, treats, and mascots

And what would a celebration be without soap bubbles, scrumptious treats, and friendly mascots like the Riga Rooster, Rimi Corn and Apple, and others!

Take the whole family with you and let’s meet on May 18 at the Olympic Village on 11 November Embankment!

Thanks for the collaboration

Big thanks to the supporters of the Olympic Kids’ Day: Latvian Olympic Committee, Rimi, Table Tennis Federation, Weightlifting Federation, Disc Golf Federation, Riga Boxing School, organization “Athletic club jules verne”, Riga Skateboard School, turies.lv, Bao, Vīnkalnu picērija un MI 1001 (chef Ivans Šmigarevs).

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