International marathon ambassadors
Running is more than just a sport – it’s a movement, a lifestyle, and a way to connect. To inspire runners of all levels and showcase the excitement of the Rimi Riga Marathon, we’re teaming up with passionate and influential runners from around the world.
Our runfluencers will share their journey and experiences, bringing the marathon spirit to life and inspiring more people to lace up and join us in Riga! But they won’t just be sharing their journey from afar – they’ll be lining up at the start in Riga on May 18! Follow us, our runfluencers and @rigastories!

Here they are:

Augustė Augustinaitė & Henry Warren-Jones, UK
Augustė and Henry are a triathlete couple from London. After meeting 2 years ago, Henry has inspired Augustė to take cycling and swimming seriously, while Augustė got Henry into running.
They’ve been participating in various races all over the world, having recently competed in Sydney, Dubai and Copenhagen, whilst also quickly progressing in their careers – as a corporate trust professional, providing security and bespoke finance solutions for companies, and a chartered engineer, developing world class arenas and stadiums all over the world.
Travelling, racing and running is a big part of their lives – it’s the best way to relax, structure the thoughts and efficiently explore new places! The power couple, as they call each other, plan to run the half marathon at the Rimi Riga Marathon.
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Jens van der Velden, the Netherlands
Jens is an uplifting fitness content creator, known for his infectious energy and motivating videos. Having completed multiple marathons and half-marathons, he’s built a supportive community that follows his inspiring fitness journey. He can’t wait to run the Half-Marathon with everyone in Riga.
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Charlie Watson, UK
Charlie is a Registered dietitian, 16 times marathon and Six Star finisher. She balances running with her hospital work, parenting her overactive 2 year old and sharing her training at and @therunnerbeans. Charlie is hoping to run a PB at the Rimi Riga Half Marathon!
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Cosimo Bertotto, Italy
In Riga, Cosimo will run his 45th marathon. He also runs on trails but loves the warmth of the people he gets during a road marathon. Running and talking about his races on social media has, over time, become a source of inspiration for many people. “I don’t like chasing a time result but I love telling what I see along the way,” says Cosimo.
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